Frequently Asked Questions about Nicomenthyl

General characteristics

Yes. What was previously called “Nicomenthyl” is now named “Nicomenthyl 20”.

Nicomenthyl 20 is the same substance (menthyl nicotinate: purity >99%), same CAS number (40594-65-8), same INCI name, same chemical & physical properties, same grade, same technical characteristics as the previous substance named Nicomenthyl.

The trademark Nicomenthyl® at first represented a single product; however, during the years, it has evolved into a range comprising 2 other cosmetic products, both of them based on menthyl nicotinate (i.e. Nicomenthyl Cool & Nicomenthyl Hot). To better differentiate the original Nicomenthyl from these new products, it was chosen to give the original pure molecule (menthyl nicotinate) the name Nicomenthyl “20”, with reference to the date 2020, January 20, that’s to say when Multichem R&D had implemented a more advanced and innovative proprietary procedure to manufacture a fully deodorized menthyl nicotinate.

Nicomenthyl 20 IS NOT a mixture.
It is a “substance”, per definition of substance according to art. 2 (b) of Reg. EC 1223/2009: “substance’ means a chemical element and its compounds in the natural state or obtained by any manufacturing process, including any additive necessary to preserve its stability and any impurity deriving from the process used but excluding any solvent which may be separated without affecting the stability of the substance or changing its composition”.

Being a substance, Nicomenthyl 20 has only one INCI denomination: “Menthyl nicotinate”.

Nicomenthyl 20 is obtained through a new patented proprietary industrial synthesis which guarantees a purity higher than 99%.

Yes, it is. Nicomenthyl 20 is characterized by an exceptional oxidative stability; it is thermostable, can be processed either hot or cold in any cosmetic formulation, does not have any incompatibility with other ingredients. However, like any ester, it is stable at moderately acid pH, while it has a tendency to hydrolyze at alkaline pH (> 8.0) particularly if warmed up.

Nicomenthyl (Menthyl nicotinate) is produced by synthesis starting from nicotinic acid (Niacin or Vit. B3) and Menthol.

No. It is obtained through synthesis from Menthol and Niacin, both of them existing in nature.

No. No added preservatives or antioxidants are required for its storage.

Since Nicomenthyl 20 is completely thermostable, its shelf life is well over 36 months and does not require any special condition for storage, such as low temperatures or nitrogen Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) or low humidity rooms.

Nicomenthyl 20 is not (directly or indirectly) derived or manufactured from GMO (genetically modified organisms) and their derivatives, as per Regulation EC 834/2007.

No. Nicomenthyl 20 is not of animal origin and does not contain animal derived ingredients, nor has it come into contact with animal origin derivatives in any phase of its production.

Nicomenthyl 20 is white transparent (colorless), almost as water.

Nicomenthyl 20, unlike other more volatile nicotinates (as for example methyl nicotinate, ethyl nicotinate, etc.) is odorless.